Super Camping British Columbia
Super Camping British Columbia

Super Camping
British Columbia
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Tex-Pro Western Limited

#7 – 5850 Byrne Road Burnaby, BC V5J 3J3
Phone: (604) 254-9551 | Toll-Free: (800) 663-9266 | Fax: (604) 636-0130 | website
TexPro LogoTex-Pro Western Ltd. offers linens to members at 5% off their annual Hospitality Wholesale Price list. Contact Al Fleming, 604-254-9551 or 1-800-663-9266 for a price list. As well, Tex-Pro Western Ltd. offers quarterly BCLCA special features towels and sheets. Invest in high-quality linens – Thomaston sheets & 1888 Mills towels (made in the USA) designed to withstand the intensity of todays’ commercial laundries. Save money by using cost effective linens that last longer than imports wash after wash.